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PRP Growth Factors

What is PRP?

PRP Growth Factors treatment is a nonsurgical, natural and safe method of treating hair loss for both men and women. It works by utilizing the patient’s own growth factors that occur naturally in our blood – These growth factors are found in the Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) portion of whole blood.
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The PRP consists essentially of platelets and other blood components such as plasma, vitamins and minerals. Platelets are responsible for healing and contain active molecules called growth factors, which allow for the natural regeneration of damaged tissues. These growth factors are extremely effective in stimulating hair follicles to produce thicker, fuller and healthier hair.

Who is PRP suitable for?

PRP is suitable for men and women suffering certain types of alopecia or general hair thinning who are looking to prevent further hair loss and stimulate hair regrowth.

PRP has great potential and can be offered as an additive effective treatment for rejuvenation of hair.


What does the treatment involve?

PRP treatment takes around 45 minutes and is performed in certain AHS clinics. Several sessions may be required and will be advised upon consultation.
The process is much like a blood test. A blood sample is taken aseptically from the patients’ arm and is collected into a special density gradient blood tube.
The blood collected is immediately spun in a centrifuge, which separates the quality platelet rich plasma from the red blood cells to yield a >80 % concentration recovery of platelets for the preparation of PRP.
The platelet rich plasma preparation is recovered into a syringe and aseptically injected into the scalp at the affected hair loss area.
Finally, clients receive a complimentary Cold Beam Laser session immediately after the PRP injections to improve the circulation of the plasma throughout the scalp tissue for the optimal result.

To see if PRP is the right option for you, contact Advanced Hair Clinic now.


Results after 3 months

Results after 4 PRP treatments

Results after 6 treatments of PRP and herbal supplements

4 treatments in 5 months

Client had 2500 FUE surgery and post surgery PRP treatments

Client received 4 treatments in 6 months

Client received 4 treatments in 5 months

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